Sunday, May 20, 2007

Tammy-My Beautiful Sister

First of all, thank you to all that "commented" Now I feel like blogging all the time. And I think I about starting with two today! Friday was my baby sister's Birthay. Her name is Tamera DeAnne Grinn "Tammy" She is a life time missionary with Pioneer Bible Translators to Crimea, Ukraine. If you want to know where that is, go to her blog site, she graciously put a map on there to show us "geography-challenged" people out there where she lives.

Why am I blogging about my sister? Because I want everyone to know what an inspiration she is. Plus it was her birthday this weekend and she turned the big 30~~

Among a lot of other things, she has given up her life here in the states to minister in a foreign country, totally out of her comfort zone, learning new language-- culture, food, transportation, marketing, and living; and she has done it with a grace and dignity beyond measure.

Tammy never meets a stranger and she never has "no room" or "not enough food" She has such a sweet spirit of finding out what ministers to someone. She is one of very few people I know that truly self-less--always finding out how to bless someone else.

She ministers to orphans on a daily basis, invites perfect strangers to her house, and will give a hearty back rub to anyone who asks. She is truly the hands and feet of Jesus. Thank you Tammy for giving us an example of God's intention of serving. You are my angel. If you are interested in supporting her and her husband (which is desparetly needed) contact their forwarding agent: Karen Klein at or Tammy herself:

Thanks for listening!

Tammy Grinn May 18


Dan and Tammy said...

That was sweet!! I loved your tribute to Tammy. She is one of the best friends I have and we have made some wonderful memories based on some of those sweet words you said.

Tammy said...

you're too sweet Heidi. People will get the wrong impression!

April said...

She looks just as beautiful and sweet as ever!

velvet said...

Ahhh. She is beautiful inside and out. I don't know anyone who doesn't adore Tammy.