Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Abby Mae McKee: Definitely Type A personality and ALWAYS in charge. She was crawling at 4 months, walking at 8 months and communicates pretty well for a one year old. She has throwing a fit down perfectly; we have concrete floors, therefore she graciously throws herself down in a tizzy. If she doesn't get her way immediately she screams. If she does get what she wants she screams delightfully. If she is bored she screams. She is going to be a leader-no doubt- She makes us laugh and is really animated. She can keep up with her brother and sister and desperately wants to do what they do. She's been known to escape the back door and be half way to the road before we realize she's out there; eaten dog food, cat food, and any small object lying on the floor (we are still waiting for a brats shoe to pass). She loves to push buttons on the dvd player and routinely gets into trouble. A spanking or time out in her crib doesn't faze her at all...but if you say "NO!" loudly it breaks her heart. She is already our little
"tomboy" and will not keep a bow in her hair, and can throw a ball better than her sister. She only has 5 teeth and could care less about eating. Unless it's grapes, peaches or a lollipop. She can spot those in any hiding place. She sings all the time and can actually stay on pitch with the Little Mermaid song.."ahaaaaahaaaahaaa" She loves to swing and play babies. I still cannot believe she is one. On one hand, it was yesterday I was holding a brand new baby...on the other hand, it feels like she's been a part of us forever. I praise God for my little Abby! May she bless you Father in all she does! Happy Birthday sweetheart.


Heidi McKee said...

After reading this again, the scary thing is, she sounds a lot like me....especially the "loud" part :)

April said...

She sounds awesome, I would love to meet her! Happy Birthday!!!

velvet said...

She sounds like you, but those eyes are straight from her Daddy. Happy Birthday, Abby!