Monday, June 11, 2007

Daddy of the Year Award

Ok ya'll this blog is devoted to my sweet husband...who in my mind deserves the "Daddy of the Year" & "Husband of the Year" Awards! Not only does he put up with me (and graciously I might add), he goes beyond the call to show me and his kids how much he appreciates us! Here's just a few reasons why:

1. This past weekend I had scheduled a scrapbook convention (GASC). The night before I was to leave, Rhea threw up all night long. Marty was amazing in helping me and letting me sleep while he took care of her, because he knew I needed my rest for my day the next day. He took off work and played with three + kids all day not complaining at all. I didn't come home until 1:00 am and he was still all smiles and sweet as can be. (It was so fun to be with the girls allllll are some of my very best of friends, Melissa and Tricia. We all got scrapbooking about the same time 7 years ago and are addicted. Our shirts say: "You say Psycho Scrapper like it's a bad thing"

2. He totally didn't want too, but because he knew how much fun the kids would have, he put up one of those BLUE pools in the backyard. He labored and sweat all evening getting it ready for us to play in! And he knows that I'm terrible at following up with stuff like that; chlorine and stuff...

3. He makes dinner on a regular basis, cleans, cooks breakfast every Saturday morning, and keeps the outside in tip top shape.

4. Our septic system was messed up this week because of all the rain, and well, one of the pipes backed up so bad there was GROSS stuff all over the yard.. and I mean gross stuff. My daddy-of-the-year was out there (with a fever) cleaning up the mess, scooping up human waste and toliet paper to make it safe for our kiddos. Wow!

5. He woke up early from a Sunday nap to take his daughter on a "date" to Sonic. Which is always a highlight in Rhea's world.

6. There are so many more reasons why he deserves these awards, but the main one is because of His love for Our Savior. Marty is a man of pure integrity and when he serves he does it WHOLE HEARTILY! His devotion to His God and His church is second to none and he truly loves to love others. He is my biggest inspiration and example of a servant leader.

I'm so glad God brought Marty for me. I never-ever imagined a friendship like his. I only pray that others can have what we have. It's truly what God intended in a marriage. Isaac wants to be just like his daddy, Rhea adores him, and well, Abby will jump out of my arms for only one person: her daddy! Happy Father's Daddy-of-the-Year.

Disclaimer: Of course MY DAD will always win the Daddy-award's just fun to be on this side of the contest :)He was the one who set the bar/the standard! Dad, I had no idea all you did when we were little. Thanks for teaching me the unconditional love of CHRIST! You're an amazing man.


Tammy said...

cool. Marty, you're awesome! Happy Father's Day! I miss you guys! Can't wait till the holidays. :)

Wish You Were Here said...

We need more men like Marty!

Tammy said...

Hey, by the way, how do you get your pictures that small. I only have three choices. And the smallest isn't that small.

Jill said...

Little late here, but wanted to comment. It is so wonderful that you are blessed with such a wonderful husband. And what a great example of a good marriage for your kids. Wow!

April said...

Neato. While it has become so common to bash the husbands and make them look dumb, I'm glad you are standing up for yours!