Friday, October 16, 2015

9 Year Old Evangelist

"Mommy, guess what?!  She wants to be a believer!"  Abby exclaims on the phone in her tiny-squeeky voice.  "What do you mean?" I probe.  "My best friend mommy!  I told her what John 3:16 means and how we are sinners and will go 'down there' if we don't believe in Jesus." 

That was the phone conversation we had last night after my 9-year old hung out at her friend's house.   She and Abby have been best friends since first grade and have gone through a lot together.  Her best friend lost her mom to cancer two years ago, being raised by a single dad and two teen brothers, she has clung to our family unit.  Now her dad's girlfriend is pregnant and she is feeling pushed out!

Abby has such a sensitive spirit and is very in tune to the needs of others.  She is super happy and very vocal.  She says what is on her heart and usually persists on the matter until you give in.  Salvation topic is no different.  Her best friend's family is from Belgium.  They speak dutch, do not believe in doctors and for the most part buck organized religion.  But the daughter that became my daughter's best friend is beautiful, fun-loving, and kind.  A perfect combination to share God's love. "I told her about being born-again mommy, and that we get to have a new life as a Christian life!"

The conversation started months earlier when they were talking about their "crushes".  Abby told her friends that her number one crush is JESUS.  When her friends questioned her, she told them she wants to love him the most.  Why are we not all super-crushin' on the man who died in our place?!

Abby wanted to give her one of our Bibles and a journal so she can start a quiet time.  I sent witdh her the "Jesus Storybook Bible"- our family favorite, to start  out.  She is planning on coming to our AWANA and wants to "pray more" she told Abby.  "Mommy, we can do our quiet time together, and tell others about Jesus!"

"Go and make disciples in all the nations, baptizing them in the name of Father, Son and Holy Spirit."  I truly believe Abby is setting the standard for us believers.  She didn't want her Best Friend to hurt anymore, or be separated from God. She truly wanted her to KNOW her Jesus. 

Way to go little Abby!  Way to build the Kingdom of God!

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