Heidi and Tammy feeling like kids!
New Year's Day Six Flags Trip! Super fun. Tammy rode the titan and Superman for the first time. She said ONCE is enough!
People do think we are twins. We wore matching outfits (not on purpose) to the mall and at least half a dozen people asked us if we were twins!
My sister and bro-in-law have been at my house for the last two weeks. They are missionaries in Ukraine and are on 'home assignment' until February. I was blessed to have them in my home SOLID for 2 whole weeks. What a giant blessing. We played, laughed, shopped, laughed some more, encouraged one another, played some more, stayed up late, and just was together. Most of you know how close my sister and I am. It is very hard to be separated by so many miles, but the truth is, nothing can separate the bond we have. It was soooo fun for my kids to reconnect with their aunt and uncle. They LOVE LOVE LOVE them! Uncle Matt played basketball with them constantly and tickled and played with the girls non stop. How refreshing it was.
I was trying to upload more photos, but I guess I hit my limit! Just wanted to share my blessings! Love you Matt and Tammy, Mom and Dad!!
you are the blessing my dear! what fun and memories we have of those wonderful times together! Thank you for hosting all of us. We will forever be grateful for your sweet spirit and hospitality! mom
I am glad you had such a wonderful time visiting with your sister!! Maybe soon we can meet in person and have some fun. Hug Tammy for me!
Rhea's hair looks so cute. I think Ally's and hers is the same length. Great minds think alike!...even at 4. :) I can't believe she got her ears peirced..I can't believe she was brave enough. That is amazing!
oh, your pictures look so fun! I'm glad you got to hang out with Tammy. Hope you guys are having a great New Year!
Oh my, what great pics! What a sweet and special relationship you have, I know you soaked in every minute.
Yes you do look like twins. I am blessed by seeing you together.
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