Saturday, March 3, 2007

We've Moved In...

For some strange reason, I was looking forward to "moving"...I thought, WOW, now I can clean out, organize and throw away a lot of junk....OMY, I am sooooo tired! I love my new home, but golly do I have a lot of STUFF!!!! Honestly though, I could not have done it without amazing friends. Some of Marty's buddies lifted, loaded and lugged for 3 solid days, while my mom and dad slaved from packing me up, babysitting, cooking, cleaning, building, hanging up things, unpacking etc., The kids adjusted well, apart from Abby cutting 5 teeth at the same time, we've all pretty much settled it. I like my high speed internet, and my crop room, and my beautiful kitchen, and my (Okay that's enough)....Thank you ALLLLL who helped out and made me feel special (Jennifer; you work horse, Becky; only a true friend will clean out a refrigerator; Mom and Dad, you just flat amaze me; all the guys who lifted pianos, armours, beds etc., Dennis, Mark, Oscar, Granddad...Thanks You've made our little McKee family SUPER happy :)


April said...

Hey! Where did you move? I thought you'd been kinda quiet the last couple of weeks. Moving is such a pain. Glad it's done!

velvet said...

YEA! I was wondering about your move. Glad you're in. Sounds like it's time for a garage sale!

When you talk about Becky, are you talking about Becky Dickens? Give all those Yarb's a hug from me.