Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Keep Them Close

A very emotional day yesterday caused me to stop and realize what blessings I do have. During dinner preperations (which I hate), and somewhat distraught, probably recently yelling at the kids, Rhea came up to me and hugged me tight saying "mommy, I love you." "I love you too honey," was my response. She looked up at me with her big beautiful brown eyes and said, "no mommy, I love you even when you are angry." My heart melted and instantly had a glimpse of the grace of God and His unconditional love. As you mommies know, that is emotional enough...but later that night, we found out that our very good friends had lost thier baby boy (6 weeks old) He was born prematurely, but everything was looking up, he had gained weight, was eating and everything.--but God in His soveriegnty took him home. I realized then how precious my gifts are.
I have taken for granted the blessings of my beautiful children. They are my "post" right now in the spiritual warfare God has put me in. They are my ministry. I also found out that day that an 8th month old baby girl was in an accident right down the street from us. She was in her car seat, but something from inside the car had hit her head when the car hit a tree. She was care-flighted, but died a couple of days later. She was the same age as Abby.

All this to say, even when you (me) are tired, strung out, and the kids are getting on your last nerve....I've tried to stop and praise God they are healthy, smart, love, laugh, make me laugh, and are just precious gifts from God. I know you all feel the same about yours. Thank God for our Children.

Please pray for Troy and Rachel Ottinger. Gabe's funeral is this Friday. It's probably going to be a very emotional event, although they are strong believers, I cannot imagine losing my baby (thier first). if you want, go to their blog: I think they have some pictures.


April said...

Oh, that is so very sad. I will hug my girls a little tighter and longer today.

velvet said...

My goodness. What a day.


kim s said...

Hey good to catch up with you via the blog world...I saw t-Hill at the Big 12 BB tournament this past weekend in OKC. I see Trish a couple of times a year when she recruits in Waco.

Thanks for sharing about your kids and the spiritual values and truths you are learning in your role as "blessed among women."