Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Matthew 6:33
"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you."

I've always liked this verse because of the last part: "all these things will be added to you"  My mind went crazy on what great things will be added to my life.  Today, this verse is something different to me.  So when I read it, I had to ask Jesus a few questions!

1) What the heck is "His Kingdom"?

2)  What does "His Righteousness" mean (sounds unattainable)?

3)  What are "these things" that will be added to me?

4)  And really what does "seek" mean?

Jesus was preaching about worry!  The thing that erodes away our peace and happiness.  The verb that tends to rule a momma's heart- 24/7!  Jesus wanted to make sure His audience knew we did NOT have to dwell in that anxious, unsettled world we tend to stay!

HIS KINGDOM-  At first glance, I tend to think of Heaven. Pearly gate; streets of gold; little cherubs singing on the corner.  But, I believe, the word KINGdom is really indicative of WHO rules.  A kingdom usually has a KING- a monarchy and a place ruled by ONE.  In this sense, Jesus is reminding us we have a KING that is in charge!  Put HIM as your goal-  Go after that understanding HE is in charge!  He is the King and we are the need to worry! Our Kingdom is secure!

HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS-  Finding HIS righteousness is almost opposite of seeking His Kingdom.  In my mind, a King sits on His throne and barks orders all day.  Jesus wants us to learn and understand GOD's character.  Yes, He is monarchy King, but He is good, pure, righteous and all together lovely.  Seeking and learning WHO HE IS will prove to us He has our best interest at heart.  Righteousness IS His character- His personality.  Jesus wants us to know that! and KNOW HIM!

THESE THINGS- (ok this is good)  In the previous verses Jesus is literally referring to eat, drink, and what to wear.  You may take it literally.  Jesus wants to remind us, that EVEN the little day to day details are taken care of by the almighty King, who has a righteous heart.  He will provide our basic needs.  He does for the grass, for the birds, for kings.  "You of Little Faith!" Jesus exclaims in vs.30.  "Will He not much more clothe you?"  Why worry about it?  He's got it all taken care of! ALL of these things!

SEEK-  Although I do not do it often, my kids LOVE to play hide and seek with me.  I remember early on, when I would be the 'hider' and they the 'seeker', my kids would go around the house calling my name.  "mommy, where are you?" they'd exclaim, almost too scared to look under the covers, or behind the shower curtain.  Eventually I'd make a sound so they would be able to find me.  I believe Jesus is asking us to SEEK like an adult would seek.  Not merely calling out His name, but TURNING rocks over, opening doors, pulling back the curtain.  He wants us actively and engaged in a full SEARCH for HIM!  In every faucet of our lives, where is HE?  Not that He is hiding from us, but in our busy-worried-filled life, we will MISS Him.

How many times have you gone through your glory-filled day, filling cups, dotting i's and crossing t's, and NEVER see Him?  It's a definite intentional verb.  SEEK Him.  KNOW Who He is.  BELIEVE what He will do.  AND guess what?!  Dinner is ON HIM :)

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